welfare denotes the well-being of the individual and the community. The primary
objective of social welfare is to secure for each individual the basic economic
necessities, high standards of health, decent living conditions, equal
opportunities with his fellow-citizens and self-respect.
The main objectives of social welfare are as follows –
- Providing adequate facilities to meet the basic needs of minimum level such as food, clothing and shelter.
- Ensuring satisfactory family life and access to recreational facilities.
- Providing adequate opportunity of self-expression.
- Ensuring social justice to all.
- Ensuring adequate status to woman in family and in society.
- Arranging vocational training, social education and health care of woman through social and community programs.
- Gradual rehabilitation of weaker and disabled people.
- Looking after the health, welfare and recreation of children.
- Providing adequate educational facilities.
- Upliftment of downtrodden and under privileged sections of society.
- Creating public opinion in favor of social welfare programs.